Knights of Columbus
Council 10904 | Assembly 2663
Knights of Columbus 3rd New York District
St. Isaac Jogues Province
4th Degree Exemplification
Msgr Ronald C. Bill
On April 20, 2024
at Sacred Heart Church
8229 Brewerton Rd
Cicero, NY 13039
Candidates MUST bring a valid 3rd Degree membership card and fill out a 4th Degree Membership Application. It must be signed by your Financial Secretary, who will verify your good standing in the 3rd Degree and he will fill in your 1st Degree date.
The Application must be submitted, with your check for $90.00 to the Assembly you are joining where it will be read and approved. Your Assembly will then forward the accumulated membership applications, along with a check covering $90 for EACH candidate, to SK Matthew Thelen, 8143 Rapallo Way, Clay, NY 13041-8893 for processing. Please make checks payable to Bishop O’Keefe Assembly 2663.
Please copy this brochure and distribute to your candidates and members who will be attending the exemplification so they will have the information they need.
A class picture with the Degree Team and Color Corps will be taken after the Degree. If you provide your email address, we will email it to you at no cost so you can order prints.
Host Assembly
Bishop Joseph T. O’Keefe #2663
Cicero, NY
Faithful Navigator
SK Amos Vryhof
General Chairman | SK Amos Vryhof |
District Master | SK Edward Szczesniak |
Secretary to Master | SK Matthew Thelen |
Marshalls | SK Peter Riley / Steve Saville |
Exemplification Team | SK James Ryan |
Set up | Fourth degree team |
Color Corps | SK Peter K. Riley |
Photography | SK Ronald Lukowski |
Program Booklet | SK James Nash |
Registration | SK Matthew Thelen |
Sword / 50-50 Raffles | SK John Roder |
Charcuterie | Maureen Natali |
SK Amos Vryhof (315) 345-6751
Or E-Mail: [email protected]
SK Matthew Thelen (315) 935-5906
Or E-Mail: [email protected]
SK Edward Szczesniak 315-288-4008
or E-Mail: [email protected]
Ninety Dollars ($90.00). Includes
Initiation Fee, Social Baldric, Fourth Degree Lapel Pin, light lunch and Banquet for the candidate. Additional Banquet Tickets for family or guests are $40.00 each.
A Ladies’ Program involving area historical locations is planned. Ladies will depart at 12:45 PM and return in time for the celebration of Mass.
Black or dark (blue or grey) business suit with black shoes, plain white dress shirt, necktie, & candidate identification.
For a candidate serving in the armed forces of his country, full time police and firefighters: a Class A or dress uniform.
Sir Knights:
Same as candidate or tuxedoes with social baldric, if they have them.
Semi-Formal attire requested for the evening.
Many hotels available within 10 mi of Cicero, NY
(All 4th degree guests and observers
MUST have their current 4th Degree membership card to attend the exemplification.)
11:00 AM - Noon | Registration |
11:30 AM | Color Corps Arrives |
Noon | Light Lunch |
12:30 PM | Candidates meet with District Master in Antechamber |
12:45 PM | Ladies depart for afternoon program |
1:00 PM | Exemplification begins in Chamber |
3:30 PM | Class picture with Exemplification Team in gym |
5:00 PM | New Sir Knights and ladies form for procession into Mass |
5:15 PM | Mass concelebrated Bishop Cunningham, Pastor Fr. Seibt, and Msgr Bill |
6:05 PM | Public Knighting after Mass Photo Opportunity with Bishop Cunningham |
6:15 - 6:45 PM | Charcuterie & cocktails |
6:45 PM | Banquet (Post Colors/Dinner/ Program) |
After Mass, the banquet will be held on-site.
Enclosed is a copy of the Banquet Sign-up Sheet. This will be used to determine the number of people attending the Banquet.
It will also give us the information needed to prepare settings at the banquet. The list of the reservations will be placed in an envelope with the Assembly name and number on it. The envelope can be picked up by a member of the Assembly at the registration table in the morning or in the Church Hall entry just prior to the Banquet.
Except for Main Table seating will not be assigned.
The banquet will be served buffet style, and will include the following selections.
Beef Brisket |
Roasted Potatoes
In addition to assorted pies for dessert and non-alcoholic beverages.
Acrylic Painting Class